1) Click: Menu item for the rules

Navigation menu for the rule dialog

2) Rule Menu: Overview, deleting and adding new rules

Dialog Overview for the rules

2a) Add new rule : Triggers

Currently, there are three types of triggers: board, card and checklist

Board Card Checklist
create card added/removed label, attachment, person checklist added/removed
card moved to check item checked/unchecked
card moved from checklist completed

2b) Add new rule : Actions

For every trigger, there are 4 types of actions: board, card, checklist and mail

Board Card Checklist Mail
move card to list add/remove label, attachment, person checklist add/remove send email to
move to top/bottom set title/description check/uncheck item
archive/unarchive checklist complete

Example : How the rule works

  • Rule 1: When a card is added to the board -> Add label yellow
  • Rule 2: When a card is moved to List 2 -> Add checklist ToDo
  • Rule 3: When a card is added to List 1 -> Add label blue

gif animation for rules